In The Beginning…
A group of Lutherans held an organizational meeting on November 12, 2002. Although most had been associated with the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), it was later decided to associate with LCMC (Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ). The first worship service was Sunday, November 17, 2002, at the James Valley Community Center in Mitchell, SD. That was the beginning of Resurrection Lutheran Church. Pastor John L. Hansen was called to be Pastor and Worship Leader. A Mission Board was established, with volunteer members, to address the business aspects of the church during the first year.
Doug Ellwein and Rob & Bev Kuhlman each offered the church a parcel of land on which to build. On March 30, 2003, the congregation accepted Doug Ellwein’s offer of approximately 2 acres on the north side of Mitchell.
Donations, pledges, debentures, auctions and other fundraisers, helped finance the building project.
Members of the congregation began removing trees from our new property and on June 22, 2003, a beautiful sunny Sunday morning, the groundbreaking service was held. By November, the lot was leveled and the footings and foundation were taking shape. In February 2004 VanderHeiden Construction started putting up the structure. The project continued. On June 20, 2004, just one year from the ground breaking, our first worship service and fellowship was held at our new facility at 4013 N. Main St. Mitchell, SD.
Work continued for several more months. The asphalt parking lot was in place in time for the dedication on October 2, 2004. The additions of a cross, a steeple, and signage were complete before June 19, 2005, the first anniversary of our facility. The last important project and enhancement was the installation of the 12 beautiful stained glass windows on October 28, 2005.
We continue to grow; currently we have more than 500 members. We have a choir, women’s circle, a youth group, a morning Bible study, and Sunday school program.
Photos from the Church’s construction
Members of the congregation receive some help from above while completing the structure of the alter.

Charles Johnson, Delores Wegehaupt & Edith Overholser help construct the church brick, by brick, by brick.

Finally inside, several members install the completed altar backdrop that was donated by Trinity Lutheran in Vermillion, South Dakota.

The construction crew secures the steeple.